Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Blog #8- The Privacy, Online and Off

Privacy is one of the most important aspects of one's life. Privacy allows people to feel safe in an otherwise dangerous world. However, in todays day and age, privacy seems to only be limited to our highest powers. Think about it, when was the last time you were able to Google what the President does in his free time? However, with just one click of the button, one can research how much another family makes in a year, where they live, even what they are doing at that exact day and time. It's no wonder so many people feel unsafe at all times. Anything anyone does can and will come back to hurt them sometime in the near future. For example, the TedTalk on Revenge Porn featured a woman who was the victim of having photos of her sleeping unclothed, leaked online by her ex-boyfriend. In a case in which she thought she would have full privacy, especially since she was with her boyfriend at the time, she was exposed all over the internet. She explained how there should be laws put in place, and fortunately there was a law that put her ex-boyfriend away in international prison. 

After watching the video, I believe government should put laws in place that protect peoples privacy. One aspect of privacy that needs to be fixed right away is privacy on social media. The insanely popular social media app Facebook has had controversies in which they release users private information to other technology companies such as Microsoft, Netflix and Spotify. By Facebook doing this, they are putting potentially millions of people at risk and breaking trust from all sort've users. 

If the Government isn't going to do anything about it, it can be important to know what people can do to further protect themselves. One trick people can do to further protect themselves is having a fake email to use on different websites. For example, when ordering packages, you could use another fake email with a fake name so that your address can't come directly back to you. Another trick one can do is make sure that you use multiple different passwords so that you will never be hacked. There are multiple other ways one can protect your privacy, and when it comes to todays day and age, privacy is more important than ever. 

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