Monday, December 12, 2022

Blog #10- Living in the age of AI

     When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, it doesn't come as a surprise that it is starting to become more and more relevant in society today. Artificial Intelligence is starting to take over, most notably Siri, self driving cars, and even social media monitoring. However, it has become increasingly worrisome. especially recently, about just how fast we are evolving into an artificial intelligence dependency. 


    In the documentary "In the Age of AI", we saw some interviewee's discuss how worried they are about just how dependent we have become on Artificial Intelligence. One example is Siri. One of the most popular electronic manufactures, Apple, includes Siri into many of their devices. The dependency around Siri has grown, especially recently following many of Apple's IOS updates. People depend on Siri to look up questions, make calls, texts among many other features that can be just as easily done themselves. 

However, when it comes to the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, there's no doubt that we as a society should be scared for what is going to happen in the future. In the documentary, a man named Alistar Mctaggart was interviewed following a conversation he had with an engineer at a dinner party. Mctaggart asked the about an article he saw in the newspaper that morning about privacy, and the man said that Mctaggart should be terrified about how much they know about not only Mctaggart, but all of us. This shows just how frightening it is that Artificial Intelligence has so much knowledge over us. Social Media monitoring can watch our every move on apps, know every post we stumble upon, every account we follow. Siri has access to our phone, our most valuable source that holds much of our identity. Even our jobs are beginning to be taken over by artificial intelligence. 

    With the evolvement of Artificial Intelligence, we as a society begin to think and question what is going to happen to us eventually. If our jobs are already being taken over, who knows what is going to happen when Artificial Intelligence becomes even more advanced in the future. 

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