Sunday, November 20, 2022

Blog #5- AntiWar

 When it comes to the United States media, some topics are almost always relative in the news. Sports, what celebrities are up too, breaking news from around the area are just some examples. However, the discussion of war, especially those who are against the idea of it, are rarely present or even discussed in the mainstream media. 

Something the United States pride ourselves in is our devotion to this country. Think about it; what do July 4th and Labor Day have in common? The country will celebrate with big, elaborate parades to celebrate our patriotism and citizenry as citizens of the United States of America. We're seen as a powerful country, ultimately the most powerful in the world, and the possibility of challenging our power would be completely demoralizing. 

Furthermore, though writers do obtain Freedom of the Press as part of their First Amendment Rights, the writers could be held liable for starting something if they were to write something negative or something that could impact the United States government as a whole. The writers in some facets have much more knowledge than we as citizens do, so because anti-war writers are in the position they are in to share negative things about the world, they could state something that many people would not agree with, potentially causing chaos.  

Another risk factor that anti-war media could bring is violating the Sedition Act. The Sedition Act makes it a crime to criticize the Government, and often times anti-war writers risk breaking it due to their beliefs. The writers will argue that the Government is making a bad decision or doing harm to other countries or people, and just stating that could risk potential jail time. 

In conclusion, Anti-War writers could consistently risk themselves as well as others with their writings, because frankly, it is hard for people to read the truth, or read something that they might not agree with, especially in today's time. 

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